The microprocessor/microcontroller is very very basic of embedded systems.Nowadays all latest advanced equipments having microcontroller/microprocessor.A designer/Architect of chip should know what types of components he needs, ways to reduce production costs and product reliable.
Blocks in microprocessor/controller:
- CPU: Central Processing Unit
- I/O: Input /Output
- Bus: Address bus & Data bus
- Memory: RAM & ROM
- Timer
- Interrupt
- Serial Port
- Parallel Port
- CPU for Computers
- Does not have RAM, ROM, I/O on CPU chip itself
- Example:Intel’s x86, Motorola’s 680x0
microprocessor is a general purpose
central processing unit of a digital computer
A very popular general term known as "A
chip on a computer".Processors have most of their opcodes moving data from external memory to the CPU.
A micro controller is a true computer on a chip.A very popular general term known as "A computer on a chip". The prime use of a microcontroller is to control the operation of a machine using fixed programs that is stored in ROM that doesn't change over the life time of the system.
Atmel, philips Microcontrollers..
Let us see about "8051 Microcontroller" in detail.
Atmel, philips Microcontrollers..
Let us see about "8051 Microcontroller" in detail.
Good explanation